system environment/libraries
- HdrHistogram_c-libs - A High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram C library
- cassandra-cpp-driver - DataStax C/C++ Driver for Apache Cassandra
- hdrhistogram-libs - A High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram C library
- hiredis-last - Minimalistic C client library for Redis
- libargon2 - The password-hashing library
- libbson - Building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents
- libcouchbase - Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase-libev - Couchbase client library - libev IO back-end
- libcouchbase-libevent - Couchbase client library - libevent IO back-end
- libicu-last - International Components for Unicode - libraries
- libip2location - IP2Location C Library
- libmemcached-last-libs - libmemcached libraries
- libmustache - Mustache C++ library
- librabbitmq-last - Client library for AMQP
- librdkafka - Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
- librdkafka1php - Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
- libsodium-last - The Sodium crypto library
- libsodium23 - The Sodium crypto library
- libzip-last - C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
- mongo-c-driver - Client library written in C for MongoDB
- termbox - Minimalist library for text-based user interfaces
- wkhtmltopdf-opt - Tools and library to render HTML into PDF